Numéro spécial de Frontiers in Psychology sur la psychothérapie EMDR (thèmes de recherche)
Cette 3ème édition contient 11 articles de 57 auteurs différents :
- The Therapeutic Relationship in EMDR Therapy -a Survey (M. Hase, Brisch, Solomon, A. Hase)
- Case report: Online eye movement desensitization and reprocessing approach in children: a case series (Akyol, Kutlu, Korkmazlar)
- Towards international collaboration of clinical research networks for EMDR: the EMDR Pain Network Germany (Vock, Hofmann, Lehnung, Böhm, Wieland, Seidler, Beiner, Hermes, Friederich, Eich, Tesarz)
- Factors influencing quality of processing in EMDR therapy (Ramallo-Machín, Gomez-Salas, Burgos-Julian, Santed-German, Gonzalez-Vazquez)
- TEMDR and standard psychotherapy for paediatric cancer patients and their families: a pilot study (Zucchetti, Ciappina, Roccia, Concas, Giordano, Battaglini, Geuna, Peirolo, Faretta, Fernandez, Quarello, Fagioli)
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse: comparison of phase-based treatment and direct trauma-focused treatment (van Vliet, Stant, Huntjens, van Dijk, de Jongh)
- Apples and oranges: PTSD patients and healthy individuals are not comparable in their subjective and physiological responding to emotion induction and bilateral stimulation (Pape, Sammer, Hanewald, Schäflein, Rauschenbach, Stingl)
- Exhausting, but necessary: the lived experience of participants in an intensive inpatient trauma treatment program (Vaage-Kowalzik, Engeset, Jakobsen, Andreassen, Horgen Evensen)
- EMDR: dispelling the false memory creation myth in response to Otgaar et al. (2022a) (Callus, Gallina, Fernandez)
- Group eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in chronic pain patients (Vock, Delker, Rinderknecht, Engel, Wieland, Beiner, Friederich, Nacho Jarero, Seidler, Tesarz)
- EMDR in pediatric hospital setting: a case report of an adolescent with cancer (Ciappina, Roccia, Concas, Faretta, Fernandez, Quarello, Zucchetti, Fagioli)
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