2022 EMDR Europe Workshop Conference

10 juin 2022

Conférence d’ateliers EMDR Europe 2022

Date / Time
Date(s) - 10/06/2022 - 12/06/2022


L’EMDR et la résilience

La conférence EMDR Europe 2022 aura lieu à Valence (Espagne) du 10 au 12 juin 2022 ainsi qu’en ligne. Vous pouvez donc choisir entre un voyage dans la splendide Espagne et une conférence confortable à la maison devant votre ordinateur. Le thème de la conférence EMDR Europe est « Promouvoir la résilience avec l’EMDR ». Le comité d’organisation a choisi ce thème à un moment dans lequel une approche proactive peut soulager la détresse des gens. Il est crucial de prévenir les effets à long terme de la pandémie et des limitations qui y sont associées sur le bien-être mental de la population. Les orateurs suivants sont déjà confirmés :

  • Christiaan H. Vinkers: Integration of psychological and biological determinants of stress and trauma: a novel road for new interventions? (see introduction video here)
  • Ignacio Jarero: The AIP Theoretical Model and the Expansion of Human Resilience Understanding
  • Deborah Korn: Fostering Resilience in Complex Trauma Survivors Using EMDR Therapy Lessons Learned over Three Decades

Plus d’informations sur le programme sur : emdr2022.com
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes.


Nouvelles du comité d’organisation

Dear colleagues,
After 2 years of a pandemic that made it impossible to organize our conference in presence, we can finally meet in Valencia and enjoy a Conference in real life!
The conference will be an opportunity to learn new clinical strategies and research results through the various workshops covering many application fields and different psycopathologies.
It’ll be also a chance to meet new and old colleagues from all over Europe and the world, doing networking as well as having fun and enjoying time together in the sun shining and beautiful city of Valencia.
….and to start having a flavour of the conference we are pleased to introduce one of the keynote speakers Dr.Christiaan Vinkers  that will present: Integration of psychological and biological determinants of stress and trauma: a novel road for new interventions?  https://vimeo.com/637932750/fb802a332c
Stress and trauma have direct detrimental impact on mental health, and increase the risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). Psychological and (neuro) biological factors both play a role in the emergence and remission of these symptoms after treatment but are often studied in isolation. In this lecture Dr.Christiaan Vinkers will discuss his research that links (neuro)biological and psychological factors and interventions related to PTSD and MDD. Moreover, he will discuss how this integration may lead to new targeted interventions, for example Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to target childhood trauma in MDD patients.

Kind regards,
Bruna Maccarrone
ECC Chair